Mirogallo Ciraselli Chili Peppers in EV Olive Oil


Masseria Mirogallo sits just outside one of the oldest cities in the world, Matera, in the Basilicata region of the arch of Italy. The very fertile valley surrounding Matera is dotted with family farms, locally known as masserie. Since the 1800s, the Belfiore family has maintained one of the largest farms in the area, and specialize in the cultivation and preservation of heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables from which they handmake very high quality pantry products. The family uses minimal preservatives– vinegar, olive oil, salt, and sugar– and carries on the history of their family and region through the production of Masseria Mirogallo products.

These spicy round red peppers are the ones you want if you want a bit of heat.  Ideal to stuff with cheeses.  270g