May 3, 2019, 6 PM
“Taste of Wheeling’s Finest”

A reservation based sit down tasting with a presentation of a flight of five fine wines, starting with a Champagne. Each wine served with hors d’oeuvre or small plates from our kitchen, and ends with a dessert from our patissier.
$25 at the door.  Occupancy limited to 20

May 10, 2019 6 PM
Rosés, Rosato, Rosado
Early May is the time to jump into rosés, from the shop that was rosé before rosé was cool. We celebrate our large variety of French and other rosés in this thirst quenching tasting of bright, fresh and crisp wines. Served with cheeses and our French baguettes. Presented by Michael Diethorn of Country Vintner Wholesalers.
$15 at the door, no reservations needed. Occupancy limited to 40

May 17, 2019 6 PM
Sauvignon Blanc from France and Beyond
Sauvignon Blanc has its roots in Bordeaux and the Loire of France, but has manifested into different kinds of wine all over. We start with white Bordeaux and a Pouilly Fume from the Loire, then go on to California, South African, Italian and New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs. Served with cheeses and our French baguettes. Presented by the staff at Good Mansion Wines.
$15 at the door, no reservations needed. Occupancy limited to 40

May 24, 2019 6 PM
Wines for the Barbeque
Start your Memorial Day weekend off with Good Mansion! For your weekend barbeque, we offer up red Zinfandel , Cabernet and Rhone reds for the charred grilled meats, and Vinho Verde, Verdejo and Chardonnay to cool off. Enjoy the wines then load up on all your holiday weekend wines and foods from our shop. Served with cheeses and our French baguettes. Presented by the staff at Good Mansion Wines.
$15 at the door, no reservations needed. Occupancy limited to 40

May 31, 2019 6 PM
Wines of the Loire
We explore wines from France’s huge central valley, from the crisp white Sancerre, to the mineral laden Cabernet Franc based St. Nicolas de Bourgueil and Chinon wines, to the saline rich white Muscadet, to plush and soft red Anjou Rouge.  All are light and perfect summer drinking wines! Served with French cheeses and our French baguettes. Presented by the staff at Good Mansion Wines.
$15 at the door, no reservations needed. Occupancy limited to 40