August 7, 2020 5 PM-7PM “Tasting to Go”
Seafood Wines
Whites, roses and reds ideal for summer seafood grilling, pasta dishes and more. Ordering ahead is required, with curbside pick up only from 5pm to 7pm, unless you are shopping for more products. GET AS MANY SERVINGS AS YOU LIKE TO KEEP STOCKED ALL WEEKEND LONG! Single serving- $20 for 2 varieties, then $15 for each additional serving and an additional bottle per serving. This will be a mix of 375ml and 750ml bottles
August 14, 2020 5 PM-7PM “Tasting to Go”
Noble Grapes
Expressions of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and other international grapes from throughout the world. Ordering ahead is required, with curbside pick up only from 5pm to 7pm, unless you are shopping for more products. GET AS MANY SERVINGS AS YOU LIKE TO KEEP STOCKED ALL WEEKEND LONG! Single serving- $20 for 2 varieties, then $15 for each additional serving and an additional bottle per serving. This will be a mix of 375ml and 750ml bottles
August 21, 2020 5 PM-7PM “Tasting to Go”
Mediterranean Particulars
We offer an array of under the radar Meditteranean treasures, including some great value red and white wines from Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Spain. Ordering ahead is required, with curbside pick up only from 5pm to 7pm, unless you are shopping for more products. GET AS MANY SERVINGS AS YOU LIKE TO KEEP STOCKED ALL WEEKEND LONG! Single serving- $20 for 2 varieties, then $15 for each additional serving and an additional bottle per serving. This will be mostly 750ml bottles
August 28, 2020 5 PM-7PM “Tasting to Go”
Cab to Malbec, Verdicchio to Chardonnay
Compare the big red Cabernet to the big white Verdicchio and see what similarities you find. Then compare the fruit laden Malbec with Chardonnay. Ordering ahead is required, with curbside pick up only from 5pm to 7pm, unless you are shopping for more products. GET AS MANY SERVINGS AS YOU LIKE TO KEEP STOCKED ALL WEEKEND LONG! Single serving- $20 for 2 varieties, then $15 for each additional serving and an additional bottle per serving. This will be a mix of 375ml and 750ml bottles